According to The American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy after receiving couples and family counseling, almost 90% of clients report an improvement in their emotional health, and nearly two-thirds report an improvement in their overall physical health.
Philly Psychology Couples and Family Counseling clinicians have been specially trained to help with:
Relationship Distress or Dissatisfaction
Signs of relationship distress include:
A general sense of unhappiness with the relationship
Repeated thoughts of divorce/separation
Want professional help for the relationship.
Relationship Therapists at Philly Psychology help you explore and work to resolve relationship dissatisfaction.
High Levels of Conflict
Signs of high levels of conflict include:
Continual bickering, disagreements, or disagreements, that occur quickly and grow into more heated arguments.
Constant withdrawal from one another without a resolution of the disagreement.
Positive experiences together become infrequent. There is a lack of positive behavioral exchanges (e.g., rarely sharing thoughts and feelings, low levels of kindness, closeness, genuine affection).
Relationship counseling at Philly Psychology helps you develop an ability to resolve conflict in a controlled, non-aggressive, and assertive manner. Increase your self-understanding of your own role in initiating, maintaining, and resolving conflict. Couples counseling helps improve conflict resolution skills by focusing on building and practicing conflict resolution skills.
Constant Negative Thoughts About Your Partner
Signs you are having constant negative thoughts about your partner:
Thinking negative behavior is due to personality traits and under the control of the partner, done purposefully or with negative intent
Thinking positive behaviors is temporary, accidental, unintentional, or with a negative motive.
Couples therapy at Philly Psychology helps identify, explore, and resolve your negative thoughts about your partner.
Constant Negative Feelings About Your Partner
Signs you are having constant negative feelings about your partner:
Anger or contempt
Couples counseling at Philly Psychology helps you identify, explore and work to resolve negative feelings about your partner.
Intimacy Issues or Intimacy Avoidance
Signs you have intimacy issues or avoidance:
Push others away and/or sabotage relationships
Difficulty understanding the perspectives and needs of others
Difficulty setting appropriate boundaries
Fear or worry your partner will leave
Fear or being controlled
Fear of judgement or rejection
Childhood risk factors:
verbal abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, physical neglect, emotional neglect, loss of a parent, parental substance abuse, parental mental illness
Couples therapy at Philly Psychology helps you develop and maintain close emotional or physical relationships and connections. Relationship counseling helps you learn how to stop pushing others away and/or sabotaging your relationships. Relationship counseling helps you develop an increased understanding of other people’s perspectives and form closer relationships. Counseling helps you accept your own value and worth as a person. This will help you set appropriate boundaries, and become more resilient within your relationships. Relationship counseling helps you overcome, explore and understand your intimacy issues. Understand fear (e.g., worry your partner will leave, fear of being controlled or losing yourself, fear or judgement or rejection). Once you identify the root of the issue, we will help you work towards a resolution. Relationship counseling helps you identify risk factors (e.g., verbal abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, physical neglect, emotional neglect, loss of a parent, parental substance abuse, parental mental illness), how they might contribute to your fear of intimacy, and how to resolve them.
Michelle Obama breaks down how marriage counseling was a turning point for her and Barack Obama and what she ...
Marriage counseling at Philly Psychology helps manage the emotional impact of discovery. Our marriage therapist provide much needed emotional support after the discovery of an affair. It is common for both partners to experience depression, anxiety, and a profound sense of loss. Relationship counseling helps people work to identify, explore, and resolve these intense and extremely uncomfortable emotional reactions. Our family therapist can help people safely clarify and understand their options (e.g., rebuild, resolve ambivalence, work towards separating in a constructive way). Divorce counseling helps establish safety and stabilize emotional reactions. Couples counseling helps people tell the story by providing a guide while disclosing what happened. Relationship counseling helps you move from an extremely painful truth-seeking inquisition to a more neutral process of mutual exploration within a controlled and more compassionate framework.
Family Therapy at Philly Psychology helps with:
Setting Custody Schedules.
Managing the day-to-day around raising kids. Making decisions and communicating
Working through money issues.
Getting unstuck from the negativity of the old relationship patterns. .
Resolving feelings of anger, discouragement, or helplessness. Resolving conflicts in parenting fundamentals.