Specific Phobias

Does your child or adolescent experience excessive fear or anxiety in the presence of a specific thing, or when anticipating certain situations? Phobias commonly focus on animals, insects, germs, heights, thunder, driving, public transportation, flying, dental or medical procedures, and elevators. Someone with a phobia typically either avoids the feared situation altogether, or endures it with intense distress. Children with phobias may not know that their fear is excessive, and they may cry, have tantrums, freeze, or cling to their caregivers when exposed to the things or situations they fear.

Treatment for children and adolescents with specific phobias in Philadelphia:

Dr. Braunstein offers supportive, evidence-based therapy for children and adolescents with specific phobias, tailored to their specific needs and preferences. Contact Dr. Braunstein to schedule an initial visit at her office in Center City Philadelphia.